The feds deliver (limited) support for low-income energy efficiency
New federal funding aims to address climate change and affordability, but is it sufficient?
New federal funding aims to address climate change and affordability, but is it sufficient?
If Canada were to delay appliance energy standards, it would result in higher emissions and higher energy costs. By using Energy Star as a benchmark, we can be aligned – but ahead – of the US and be better prepared to align with the even higher standards likely to come.
Across Canada; from coast to coast and in the arctic; municipally, provincially, federally and internationally; from NGOs to coalitions to trade allies, diverse voices are demanding a clean and resilient economic recovery.
We can build a more energy efficient economy after the COVID-19 crisis ends. Work can start now — existing programs are ready to ramp up quickly — and energy savings present a long-term path for sustainable growth
Today, the Ontario government released its annual budget. One thing that might be missed is that the government has failed to deliver on a promise to support electricity conservation made in its election platform.
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