Efficiency for All
This report shows how federal investment in existing low-income energy efficiency programs can help achieve net-zero emissions and reduce energy poverty. Authored by Abhilash Kantamneni and Brendan Haley.
This report shows how federal investment in existing low-income energy efficiency programs can help achieve net-zero emissions and reduce energy poverty. Authored by Abhilash Kantamneni and Brendan Haley.
The federal government has committed to developing a net-zero emissions model building code for provincial/territorial adoption by 2024. Here’s how we can make this goal a reality.
The federal government has a clear mandate to accelerate GHG reductions and create a net-zero emissions future. To do that, we need to retrofit almost every building in Canada to be highly energy efficient and to use zero-carbon energy sources.
The Prime Minister of Canada released the “mandate letters” to federal Ministers. Here are energy efficiency highlights from the letters, with some added context.
A Net-Zero Building Codes Acceleration Fund will further acceleration code adoption and compliance through support for market readiness for net-zero codes in provinces/territories and municipalities. Here’s more.
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