En cours

Advanced Measurement and Verification


Measurement and verification (M&V) is the process of using measurements to determine the actual energy savings generated by energy management projects at individual sites. Common M&V activities include metering,​ data collection and processing, transparent savings calculations, monitoring, quality assurance, and​ third-party report verifications. The two-day Advanced Measurement and Verification training program provides practical exercises and advanced concepts to individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of M&V. This program is a valuable complement to the theoretical knowledge acquired through common M&V certification courses and designations. Visit cietcanada.com to learn more about this course and to register (website link below)


Demand-Side Management (DSM) Programming


The Demand-Side Management (DSM) Programming course is a comprehensive two-day course designed specifically for utility staff, energy providers, and policymakers to develop successful DSM programs or update existing ones. More specifically, this course delves into the technical aspects of program design, implementation, and evaluation to influence the consumption patterns of electricity users. The course addresses the basics of DSM by setting up a common understanding of the concept. Visit cietcanada.com to learn more about this course and to register (website link below)


Energy Management and the ISO 50001 Standard


Energy Management and the ISO 50001 Standard is designed for those who wish to develop an energy management culture in their organization. It covers the essential elements necessary for success and is aligned with the requirements of the ISO 50001 standard. ISO 50001 is an internationally acknowledged standard that provides organizations with a structured framework for managing energy. It incorporates energy efficiency into management practices to enhance understanding about energy usage, promote positive energy management behaviours, and foster energy conservation practices. The use of ISO 50001 has increased over time because implementing it lowers energy expenses and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Visit cietcanada.com to learn more about this course and to register (website link below)



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