Journée d’efficacité énergétique
Guide du secteur florissant des énergies propres au Canada
2 octobre 2024
Vous pouvez démarrer votre avenir dans l’économie verte du Canada

L’industrie énergétique canadienne verra la création de 2,2 millions d’emplois dans le domaine de l’énergie propre.
Des entrepreneurs aux architectes, en passant par les ingénieurs, les gens de métier, les technologues de l’énergie propre, les chercheurs et les responsables des relations publiques, voici un aperçu de la diversité de l’avenir de l’économie verte florissante du Canada.
Que vous soyez un professionnel en début ou en milieu de carrière, découvrez un secteur de 466 000 Canadiens travaillant dans le domaine de l’efficacité énergétique.
La série « Une journée dans la vie » présente de nombreux professionnels qui ouvrent la voie au secteur de l’efficacité énergétique du Canada, d’une valeur de 126 milliards de dollars.
Nos pionniers mènent des carrières de pointe dans le domaine de l’efficacité énergétique. Découvrez leurs histoires motivantes et imaginez-vous dans le secteur.
Diversité, équité et inclusion
La diversité, l’équité et l’inclusion font partie intégrante de la construction de l’économie verte du Canada. Les entreprises, les services de conseil, les services publics et les énergies renouvelables ont identifié le besoin de recruter plus de femmes, d’autochtones, de Canadiens racialisés, de jeunes et de personnes LGBTQ+ au sein de la main-d’œuvre. 200 000 nouveaux emplois dans le domaine de l’efficacité énergétique seront créés d’ici 2030. Par conséquent, en rendant notre main-d’œuvre plus inclusive, nous contribuerons à créer un marché plus robuste où personne n’est laissé pour compte.

Efficacité Canada a récemment mené une enquête auprès des employeurs des secteurs privé et public qui recrutent activement pour des emplois dans le domaine de l’efficacité énergétique.
Les résultats de cette enquête nous aident à ancrer d’avantage de Canadiens qualifiés dans des carrières intéressantes et durables.
Consultez nos recommandations sur la façon de renforcer la capacité de la main-d’œuvre dans le secteur de l’énergie propre.
Prendre des mesures
Découvrez comment le Carrefour des carrières a réussi à mettre en relation un secteur de 466 000 Canadiens avec des offres d’emploi, des formations, des ateliers et des cours dans le domaine de l’efficacité énergétique. Lors de la Journée de l’efficacité énergétique, utilisez le hashtag #EEDay2024 pour amplifier les opportunités incroyables que ce secteur a à offrir.

Vous cherchez à trouver des professionnels qualifiés pour votre organisation ? Soumettez gratuitement votre offre d’emploi au seul babillard d’offres d’emploi au Canada consacré à l’efficacité énergétique.

Vous souhaitez faire connaître votre prochain événement ? Soumettez votre annonce à notre calendrier d’événements. Conférences, webinaires et autres types d’événements sont bienvenus.

Le programme des pionniers de l’énergie met en vedette des professionnels de l’efficacité énergétique qui sont une source d’inspiration. Partagez leurs histoires étonnantes avec votre réseau et aidez à façonner l’économie verte du Canada.
Les partisans et les événements de la Journée d'efficacité énergétique 2024
Organisations participant au Canada
Liste des organisations canadiennes participantes
20/20 SEED LABS INC. | 3P Tech Inc. | Aboriginal Housing Management Association | Accuenergy | AEE Canada East | AI Shading | Airtight Engineering Inc. | Alberta Ecotrust Foundation | Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance | Alberta Municipalities | Aldaco | All Season Inspection | All Weather Windows | Ambioner | ASHRAE | Audette | BayWa r.e. Solar Systems Inc. | BC Hydro | BC Non-Profit Housing Association (BCNPHA) | BCIT | Best Buy Canada | Beausejour Renewable Energy Co-operative | BGI Analytics | Blue House Energy | BOMA Canada | Brickworks | Builders for Climate Action | Building Knowledge Canada | Built Climate Corp | CACEA Calgary | Canada Green Building Council | Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors | Capital Home Energy | CIET | City of Airdrie | City of St. Albert | City of Summerside | Clean Foundation | CLEAResult | Climate Action Sarnia Lambton | Climate Caucus | Climate Emergency Unit/ReCover | Co-Mapping Solutions | Commercial Lighting | Community Power | Constructschon Sustainable Urban Development Inc. | Convertus Group | Copol International Ltd. | Cornwall | CQ3E | Create Climate Equity | D’Niche Inc. | David Suzuki Foundation | Dez Energy Solutions | Dunsky | Eco Fitt | Eco Lighten Energy Solutions | Eco-Efficiency Consulting | Ecobility | Ecolighten Energy Solutions | Ecology Ottawa | Econoler | Ecolo Synergy | EcoPilot Canada / USA | Ecotrust Canada | EELO Solutions Inc. | Efficiency Capital | Efficiency Manitoba | Efficiency One | Efficiency PEI | EHRC | Electricity Canada | Empower Me | Enbridge | Endeavour Centre | EnerFORGE | Energie Economie Internationale | Energir | energy | Energy Network Services Inc. | energyOrbit | Energy Systems Inc. | EnerQuality | Enova Power Corp. | EnviroCentre | EOS Eco-Energy | EnPowered | Equilibrium Engineering | EQUS | Fenestration Canada | FORM innovations INC | Fortis BC | Fraser Basin Council | Fytobooster Green | Gonell Homes | Google | Green Calgary | Green Communities Canada | Green Economy London | Green Venture | Greensaver | Guelph Maps Guy | Guidehouse | Halifax | Harbourgreene Consulting Inc. | harvinoslogos | Hayibu Realty | Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Association of Canada | Home Performance Stakeholder Council | Homeprint | Homesol Building Solutions Inc. | Horizon Heating | HRAI | ICE | ICF | IESO | ITC Technologies | Ivey Foundation | Kambo Energy Group | L’Image Home Products Inc. | Let’s Sprout | London Environmental Network | M&R Engineering Ltd | MD of Pincher Creek | Minotair Inc. | Mr. Peg Property Inspections | Mundo Power | Municipal Climate Change Action Centre | Municipal District | My Generation Solar | My Heat | NAIMA Canada | Natural Resources Canada | NB Lung Association | NB Power | Nerva Energy | Netix | New Westminster | Newfoundland Lab Hydro | Newfoundland Power | Norquest College | NunatuKavut Community Council | Oakville Community Climate Hub | Omega Foundation | OPEN Technologies | Oracle | Ottawa Climate Action Fund | Owls Perch Treehouse | Panasonic Canada | Parachute | PEI Cleantech Academy | Passive House Canada | Pembina Institute | Pinchin | Polar Block | Posterity Group Consulting Inc. | Prism Engineering | Project Neutral | Properate | QMC Integrated Submetering | Quest | R&G Strategic | RDH Building Science | Red North Carpentry & Structure Ltd. | Reep Green Solutions | Reimagined Energy Podcast | Retrofit Construction | RFS Energy Consulting | Richporter Lighting | Rise | Riverside BeeYard | Rotary Club of Nature Celebrators | Sage Living Toronto | Sask Energy | Saskatchewan Environmental Society | SES Consulting | Six Nations of the Grand River Public Works | SMART Canada | Soffit Saver System | Solar Alberta | SRS Consulting Engineers Inc. | SRS Windows and Doors Inc. | Stamp House Bed & Breakfast | Steele Auto Group | Student Energy | Summerhill | Sunreport Canada | Sustainability Leadership | Sustainable Building Manitoba | Sustainable Buildings Canada | Sustainable Community Solutions Canada | Sustainable Environmental Solutions | Sustainable Orillia | Sustainable Resources Management | Tandem Architecture Ecologique | Tate Engineering Inc. | Tapestry Community Capital | Tate Engineering | Teal Maker Consulting | The Atmospheric Fund | The Blueshift Group | The Home Inspectors Group | The Master Group | The Minto Group | The National Electrical Trade Council – NETCO | Thinkwell Shift | Thrive Electrify | Town of Okotoks | Town of Pincher Creek | Town of Stratford | Township of Langley | Trax | Trinity Energy Group | University of Victoria, Department of Civil Engineering | Unrooz Solutions | vadimUS | Vancity | Volta Research | VxV Solutions Inc | West Kootenay EcoSociety | Whitebird Enviro Consult | Windfall Ecology Centre | Your Green Solutions Pty Ltd | ZON Engineering Inc.
Working with Indigenous People on Environmental Projects
Think differently when engaging Indigenous Peoples on environmental projects. First Nation participation in environmental decision making is increasingly recognized as vital to the move towards greater sustainability. Indigenous peoples worldwide share a unique and profound bond with the environment. Join Gary Pritchard, Environmental Project Manager from Curve Lake First Nation, to gain an understanding of how to work with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples when engaging on environmental business or projects. This webinar is intended to get young professionals thinking about how they do business with or conduct environmental business differently with local first nation communities. Participants will learn how to search out local First Nation community interests based on the proximity of a project location to treaty rights and when engagement should take place. The webinar is modelled after Rivers Edge Education and Consulting’s transformative workshop model, with a special focus on environmental projects. This webinar is designed for employers, employees, and professionals who currently work or would like to work with Indigenous people on environmental projects. Get Started Regular Price: $65 EP Member Price: Free Course Length: 60 Mins Career Stage: All Career Stages
Working with Indigenous People on Environmental Projects
Think differently when engaging Indigenous Peoples on environmental projects. First Nation participation in environmental decision making is increasingly recognized as vital to the move towards greater sustainability. Indigenous peoples worldwide share a unique and profound bond with the environment. Join Gary Pritchard, Environmental Project Manager from Curve Lake First Nation, to gain an understanding of how to work with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples when engaging on environmental business or projects. This webinar is intended to get young professionals thinking about how they do business with or conduct environmental business differently with local first nation communities. Participants will learn how to search out local First Nation community interests based on the proximity of a project location to treaty rights and when engagement should take place. The webinar is modelled after Rivers Edge Education and Consulting’s transformative workshop model, with a special focus on environmental projects. This webinar is designed for employers, employees, and professionals who currently work or would like to work with Indigenous people on environmental projects. Get Started Regular Price: $65 EP Member Price: Free Course Length: 60 Mins Career Stage: All Career Stages
Working with Indigenous People on Environmental Projects
Think differently when engaging Indigenous Peoples on environmental projects. First Nation participation in environmental decision making is increasingly recognized as vital to the move towards greater sustainability. Indigenous peoples worldwide share a unique and profound bond with the environment. Join Gary Pritchard, Environmental Project Manager from Curve Lake First Nation, to gain an understanding of how to work with Canada’s Indigenous Peoples when engaging on environmental business or projects. This webinar is intended to get young professionals thinking about how they do business with or conduct environmental business differently with local first nation communities. Participants will learn how to search out local First Nation community interests based on the proximity of a project location to treaty rights and when engagement should take place. The webinar is modelled after Rivers Edge Education and Consulting’s transformative workshop model, with a special focus on environmental projects. This webinar is designed for employers, employees, and professionals who currently work or would like to work with Indigenous people on environmental projects. Get Started Regular Price: $65 EP Member Price: Free Course Length: 60 Mins Career Stage: All Career Stages

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