Energy Efficiency Events Calendar

Stay connected to the energy efficiency sector in Canada. Network, share best practices, and grow your skills and knowledge. Discover events, conferences, and courses in your area or online on our events calendar.

Webinar Series: The Next 20 Years of the Energy Transition

As Dunsky Energy + Climate Advisors celebrates our 20th anniversary, we are excited to host The Next 20 Years of the Energy Transition, a webinar series focused on the future of the transition across different sectors of the economy. In this […]

Advanced Measurement and Verification

Measurement and verification (M&V) is the process of using measurements to determine the actual energy savings generated by energy management projects at individual sites. Common M&V activities include metering,​ data collection and processing, transparent savings calculations, monitoring, quality assurance, and​ […]


Indigenous Awareness 101

An introduction to the histories, cultures and issues facing Indigenous Peoples in Canada. With over 1.6 million people in Canada identifying as Indigenous, it is essential to recognize the heritage, diversity, and rights of Indigenous Nations. The histories, traditions, and […]

Indigenous Perspective on the Environmental Assessment Process

Consultation is Key to a Successful Environmental Assessment (EA) Process Traditional Knowledge (TK) has formed an integral role in how we, the Indigenous Peoples, see and understand changes to the environment. For Indigenous communities, TK continues to serve as an […]

Net Zero Energy For New Construction – On Demand

Blue House Energy , Canada

Introduces concepts and techniques for developing high performance and net zero energy new construction projects. In addition to advanced envelope and mechanical system content, the course includes discussion on how occupant behaviour impacts the overall energy use in a house, […]


On-Demand Course – 10 Pro Tips for Low Carbon


Course Overview During this course, we will go over 10 high-level tips that have been consistent across most projects that achieve a low carbon status. This includes strategies with project teams, installation quality, product ideas, and operations. Many homes share […]


Comparison of HRV, ERV – On Demand


Course Overview The course will provide a description of residential HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator), ERV (Energy or Enthalpy Recovery Ventilator) and Smart DCV (Demand Control Ventilation) systems. Energy and humidity impact on a residence in different climatic regions and varying […]


Deer Haven LEED Zero Energy Ready House Tour – On Demand


Course Overview Join Evan behind the scenes for a tour of his personal residence that he designed to LEED (pending Platinum) & Zero Energy Ready Standards. A labor of love with a warm modernism feel that was designed with stunningly […]



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