What Municipalities Need to Know about Canada’s Net-Zero Emissions Building Codes
What Municipalities Need to Know about Canada’s Net-Zero Emissions Building Codes shows how to use the upcoming net-zero emissions codes as a lever to accelerate climate action. Each section of the guide offers concise information related to the development of Canada’s national net-zero emissions building codes, and key factors that must be considered in its development and implementation.
? Key insights:
- Municipalities need to take immediate action related
to building decarbonization. - The places we live, work, play, and gather in account for 13%
of Canada’s GHG emissions. This rises to 18% when considering electricity used for cooling, lighting, and
appliance usage. - Canada’s national model codes represent one of the most effective policy instruments to accelerate our transition to zero-carbon buildings.
This guide was funded by the Low Carbon Cities Canada (LC3) network.