The National Energy Code for Buildings (NECB) and the National Building Code (NBC) make up the foundation for Canada’s first national tiered energy codes. These model codes, alongside the National Fire Code, National Farm Buildings Codes, and National Plumbing Code, are developed on a five-year cycle. Authored by Kevin Lockhart.
This policy brief provides a background on appliance and equipment standards in Canada, discusses proposed Canadian and U.S. standards, and international best practices for efficiency standards of several product categories in the forthcoming Amendment 18, and some that NRCan could implement via future amendments. The brief highlights opportunities for Canada to demonstrate leadership by adopting standards that go beyond U.S. regulations, in reflection of our colder climate and energy policy priorities. Authored by Sarah Riddell
This briefing note delves into the critical role the federal government can play in advancing Mandatory Building Performance Standards (MBPS) in Canada. Authored by Sarah Riddell.
Efficiency Canada is responding to the Government of Canada’s Request for Information (RFI) pertaining to regulatory, policy and market impacts on Canada’s electricity grid modernization. In the response, we reference relevant research that we believe will be useful to the federal government as they seek to accelerate the pace of electrification and achieve national clean energy and climate goals. Authored by Alyssa Nippard and Brendan Haley.
How the federal government can improve energy efficiency while protecting and enhancing tenant rights. Authored by Brendan Haley and Abhilash Kantamneni.
Brendan Haley discusses the Ontario Government’s electricity conservation election promise and makes recommendations for the inclusion of energy efficiency. Authored by Brendan Haley.