Measures to encourage energy efficient buildings can be used to immediately scale up capacity and knowledge sharing in the buildings sector, activate local employment and accelerate long-term market transformation. Authored by Kevin Lockhart.
The proposed Model Codes represent an important step towards Canada’s PCF commitments and low-carbon energy future, they will also play a critical role in the future of Canada’s buildings sector
The buildings sector is responsible for just under 1/3 of end use demand in Canada and is well-positioned to capture an estimated 30% in energy efficiency improvement. Tracking the energy performance of buildings under 100,000 ft2, which account for 55% of the buildings expected to participate in the EWRB program, is a logical first step in capturing these savings. Authored by Kevin Lockhart.
Given Newfoundland and Labrador’s experience with cost overruns related to the Muskrat Falls Project, it is incumbent upon the Commissioners to consider how similar experiences can be avoided in the future. This is why we recommend endorsing a principle of maximizing all cost-effective energy efficiency options before any supply side alternatives are considered. Authored by Brendan Haley.
Authored by Jeff Ranson, Jim Baxter, Kyra Bell-Pasht, and Bryan Purcell.
Brendan Haley discusses the Ontario Government’s electricity conservation election promise and makes recommendations for the inclusion of energy efficiency. Authored by Brendan Haley.